Wombwell Rainbow Book Interviews: Eye FLusher by Ryan Quinn Flanagan.
June 20, 2023 / The Wombwell Rainbow
Social Yet Distanced Pod COllective: Ryan Quinn Flanagan and A Tripwire for the Soul.
July 12, 2021 / Social Yet Distanced
Poets Beyond Borders: In Conversation with RYAN QUINN FLANAGAN...
March 21, 2023 /Borderless
We surfed virtually around the globe to gather half-a-dozen poets for the lovely lines they write to ask them what makes them write as such...more.

Songs Of Selah With Scott Thomas Outlar: episode 154
August 2021 / Songs Of Selah
Sound Check In The Cellar: Volume Two
August 2021 / animatedpoets.com
Social Yet Distanced Pod Collective: Ryan Quinn Flanagan and A Tripwire For The Soul
July 2021 / Socially Yet Distanced
mad swirl speakeasy: summer edition
august 2017 / madswirl.com (-29.28)
a Mad Swirl Speakeasy : Summer Edition : Ryan Quinn Flannigan
Posted by Mad Swirl on Saturday, 19 August 2017
talk with me with marcia epstein podcast
may 2017/ lawrencehits.com
- - - - Listen here - - - -

artist feature: RYAN QUINN FLANAGAN
april 2017/ fund for cultural education and heritage
Ryan Quinn Flanagan is a Canadian-born author residing in Elliot Lake, Ontario, Canada with his wife and many bears that rifle through his garbage. Born in Barrie, Ontario, Canada, he worked as a roofer, sheet metal worker, truck driver and two stints in a book bindery before attaining Queen’s University and receiving a Master’s Degree...more
my world and words: an uneasy balancing act - RYAN QUINN FLANAGAn
june 2017/ setu
Writing for me has always been an uneasy balancing act between escape and hard reality. I prefer writing or poems that contain strange ideas or turns of phrase while trying to still express something deeply relatable and real. Almost always with a dash of humour. Humour has always been important to me as both a tool of sarcasm and as something to preserve in the face of a world that often does not seem too funny to experience each day...more

interview: RYAN QUINN FLANAGAN by nalini priyadarshini
When I was younger there was definitely great literature you come across that you have not read and it truly does change your life. It is really just more of the small things in everyday life now. I am a people watcher and get a lot from that. I learned early on that when you listen instead of speak you don’t miss the good stuff...more
new release: rich wink, ryan quinn flanagan & ben john smith the last days of the worm (tullamarine, horror sleaze trash, 2017) 42 Pages
april 30, 2017/ bold monkey
The latest collaboration amongst British writer Rich Wink, Canadian poet Ryan Quinn Flanagan and Australian writer & publisher Ben John Smith The last days of the worm is a highly inventive futuristic crime narrative.
To help aid the reader there is a short explanation before the story begins...more

poems to knock the sun out of the sky: RYAN QUINN flanagan in his own words
february 26, 2017/ huffington post
Very occasionally, one discovers a writer whose work they instantaneously connect with. This happened to me, when I first read the poems of prolific Canadian talent — Ryan Quinn Flanagan. Flanagan is an artist that doesn’t like to speak about himself, which is refreshing in an era of raging narcissism and shameless self-promotion. Until recently, it was difficult to find any biographical information about the man behind...more
writer interview: RYAN QUINN FLANAGAN
march 11, 2017/ peeking cat poetry magazine
This week our writer interview is with Ryan Quinn Flanagan! We talk to him about the editorial process, meeting other writers, and setting himself on fire. Enjoy!...more

a review: the last days of the worm, a collaborative prose chapbook
FEBRUARY 27, 2017/ screaming with brevity
The Last Days of the Worm, a collaborative prose chapbook by Ben John Smith, Ryan Quinn Flanagan and Rich Wink is a dystopian noir where each of the four main players are as lacking in moral fibre as they are steeped in vice and cynicism. In the not-too-distant future, shortly after Richard Branson purchased the moon and died, in the wake of the Middle Eastern oil drought and broken by the final financial crash, humankind accept their fate; sickness, addiction and an untimely death...more
poet interview #58: RYAN QUINN FLANAGAN
FEBRUARY 15, 2017/ walking is still honest press
Can you tell us a little bit about yourself? At what age did you start writing? Who/what first inspired you to begin? Who are some your favorite writers and artists (past and/or contemporary)? I started writing at the age of ten. No romantic epiphany sort of thing, I had to do it for a school competition. It was a very bad piece but the teachers liked that I could write an original work and recite it. They published it in the local paper and made me recite it many times...more

Interview with ryan quinn flanagan
february 2, 2017/ adam levon brown
Q: When did you start writing? A: My first published poem was when I was ten. A horrible little piece about my teacher for the school competition that I had to keep reciting for people until I forgot it. I remember being SO nervous…probably has a bit to do with my social anxiety disorder now. But as for any real writing attempts they came much later...more
Here is my interview with...
December 9, 2016 / Authors interviews
Where are you from? I am originally from Barrie, ON Canada, a commuter city about a hour north of Toronto. I went to school at Queen’s University in Kingston, ON and received my Master’s Degree in History...more

Uno Mas- A Book Well Travelled
I am an avid collector of first edition books signed by the writer & I was very grateful when I today received a signed copy of Uno Mas, a recent publication of Horror Sleaze Trash Press. What was most impressive was that the book was signed by all four participants in the project, and according to poet Ryan Quinn Flanagan, the book had travelled 44,993 kilometres to get to me in Australia. Is this a...more
Chapbook Review: UNO MAS. Words: Rich Wink, Ryan Quinn Flanagan, Ben John Smith; Photography: Jimmy Gerrard. Horror Sleaze Trash Press, 2015.
Uno Mas is the second collaborative effort amongst the English poet Rich Wink, the Northern Ontario poet Ryan Quinn Flanagan and the Melbourne poet Ben John Smith. It is the sequel to their earlier work The Holy Trinity, a short collection of verse published by Horror Sleaze Trash Press. Uno Mas is far more ambitious and experi...more

Why do you write? It is more a compulsion then anything really, some sickness – I believe they call it Hypergraphia or some stupid name like that. All I know is I am always writing all over everyth…more