Biblical Proportions. Your One Phone Call. August 2016.
Kill the President, Kiss the Cook. Your One Phone Call. July 2016.
Tarot Reading, New Orleans. The Outlaw Poetry Network. February 2016.
He Cleared His Throat with Bulldozers. The Nervous Breakdown. November 2015.
Poem for a Man Who Has Not Shaken Anyone’s Hand. In Between Hangovers. April 2014
Everyone Loves a Motorcycle. Pyrokinection. February 2014.
Mall Santa. The Outlaw Poetry Network. May 2013.
Lube and Filter. The Outlaw Poetry Network. May 2013.
The Sidewalk Cleaner. Evergreen Review. New York City, NY. Number 132 (Summer 2013).
My Streetcar had Desires. Evergreen Review. New York City, NY. Number 130 (Summer 2013).
A Thing for the Ladies. Horror Sleaze Trash. Tullamarine, AUS. June 2012.
Looking for Lovers? The Camel Saloon. July 2010.
Skipping Rosetta Stones Across the Backs of the Ages. Clutching at Straws. July 2010.
The Bottom Line. Toasted Cheese Literary Magazine. Issue 10.1 (March 2010).
I Saw the Face of Capitalism. Red Fez. Issue 26 (Spring 2010).
Laws of Attraction. Zygote in my Coffee. Issue 126 (October 2009).
Bloody Towel. Nerve Cowboy. Austin, TX. Number 27 (Spring 2009). p. 28.
Hammer and Nails. The Antigonish Review. Antigonish, NS. No. 157 (Spring 2009). p. 62.
Miracles and Accidents. The New York Quarterly. New York, NY. Number 64 (Summer 2008). p. 77.
Resisting the Tyrant. Sacramento Free Press. Sacramento, CA. Issue 654 (September 2006). Poetry.
All works appearing on this site are copywritten to Ryan Quinn Flanagan
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